Media Coverage, Reviews & Testimonials
Cherished Memories - The Story of My Life:
"I urge you to pursue
preserving your personal history to allow your children and grandchildren to know
who you were as a child and what your hopes and dreams were."
- Oprah Winfrey, January 2003
"It's a great way to
organize your family's memories into a keepsake album...it's got a place for you
to write, and it's got some really provocative questions to ask your family members
that get into everything. It's really cool!"
- Dr. Phil McGraw, April 2007
"I think if families
begin this sooner rather than later, it is a life saver."
- Janet Kurland,
Baltimore Jewish Family Services

Worth every penny, April
25, 2007
"We bought this for our 81 year old Father
for Christmas. Besides being a Dad to us 8 kids, he is a well loved retired Pastor.
Dad's mind is filled with many, many precious memories. He teared up when we gave
him this gift, and has spent the winter filling in the pages. He plans to give
it back to us as a gift someday. Beautiful present!"

Best Present for Christmas, May
4, 2007
"I purchased this last year and decided
to make an identical one for me, my sister and my brother of my father's life
for Christmas. Upon my brother's receipt of the gift, my brother was so overcome
with emotion, it made my day. To have a part of your family that you never would
have had, but that someone took the time to put a precious loved one's life on
paper, is something that will be enjoyed by generations to come. How priceless!"
"I want to express my
appreciation for the wonderful Cherished Memories. My mother and I live 3000 miles
apart - she's in East Tennessee and I'm in Long Beach, California - and I've been
capturing her life story when we talk on the telephone. Sometimes we'll do it
every week, for 20-40 minutes... sometimes not... but it pleases my mother to
be asked about her life. Then invariably she remembers something that opens my
eyes to who she was as a little girl and a teenager... and how life occurred for
her... and I feel my love and appreciation for her deepen in my heart. Often she
recalls something that has us both belly laughing in shared delight. The result
is that every time my mother and I talk, we're closer than ever and our love and
appreciation continue to deepen. Honestly, we could be on opposite ends of the
globe, and it wouldn't matter... Cherished Memories has eliminated the distance
between my mother and me and made our relationship richer."
"Thank you, Cherished Memories! and thank you, Debby! "
The Senior Organizer:
"Organization is one of the most effective stress reduction strategies
for anyone - especially for caregivers. Keeping track all of your vital documents in this easy-to-access Senior Organizer system will provide you and your family with peace of mind. You'll have medical, legal and financial information at your finger tips and be prepared for any emergency.
- Ann S. Morrison PhD, RN,
Alzheimer's Disease Research Center
School of Medicine,
Johns Hopkins University
"Senior Organizer is a supremely valuable product that captures the vital information
to which everyone needs immediate access."
- Dr. Abdelmonem A. Afifi
Dean Emeritus, UCLA School of Public Health
"I've seen so many people incur needless expense and lose valuable time because they were not prepared when a family or medical crisis occurred. The Senior Organizer makes categorizing personal, financial, legal and medical information easy, and provides you and your loved ones with peace of mind."
- Deborah S. Lebovits,
Legal/Probate Assistant,
Law Offices of David G. Maseredjian,
Los Angeles, CA
"Well Designed Organizational
Tool. I am a legal aid attorney who spends a lot of time helping seniors and am also the owner of an online medical supply and equipment business. So many of the seniors I talk to struggle to locate important information and documents. This can often add confusion and stress to many of the difficult issues seniors already have to face. This book can help enormously and is an excellent, well designed organizational tool. It will save time and offer peace of mind to seniors and those who help care for them."
- D. Williams
Chicago, IL, June 2, 2006

A GOOD AGE - Senior organizer helps prepare for emergencies
The Patriot Ledger
Imagine this: You get an unexpected telephone call saying
that your mother, or your grandfather, has fallen and broken a hip. Your loved
one needs hospitalization, and the staff has some questions about Medicare, Social
Security, medication, and who has legal authority to make medical decisions if
they cannot? Where is the health care proxy? You have been caught unprepared and
don't know the answers. You go through a jumble of papers and can't begin to make
sense of them.
Time for a one-stop, file-and-find system - the kind of thing people say they'll
do someday. ''The Senior Organizer'' is an option - and it looks like a good one.
This new guide was designed to help families set up basic information for a variety
of crises or predicaments - from an illness, such as a stroke or diabetes, to
plumbing emergencies, tax filing deadlines and personal, legal or financial decisions.
Paula Beaulieu, director of emergency services at South Shore Hospital in Weymouth,
said that having some sort of guide ''sounds like a great idea. I have a 90-year-old
mother in western Massachusetts and I'm going to look into it.''
When anyone arrives at a hospital emergency room, Beaulieu said, it is critical
to know quickly all the medications they take, any allergies, and who their emergency
contacts are, with cell phone numbers.

Reviewed by BARB RADMORE, March 19, 2007
As our population ages it has created a whole new market
for items related to care of the elderly. The Senior Organizer was written for
just this target audience- the elderly and the family members who care for them.
At first glance The Senior Organizer seems too basic for publication. It appears
to be a book of fill in the blank forms. And, on closer examination, that is what
the book really contains. But the beauty of the book, and what makes it a great
investment, is its absolute comprehensiveness. The authors have thought of every
possible aspect of life that needs to be tracked, organized and maintained. The
sections are personal, medical and legal/financial. They include everything from
forms to fill out on all medicines, eye glasses and doctors to where in a house
the emergency shut off items are. It is impossible to think any information that
is not covered. If a family takes the time to thoroughly fill out each form, they
will be ready for any situation. Ideally, every family should have a copy of this
book and its forms completed in case of an emergency. While it was created for
the elderly it is a great organizational tool for every adult, regardless of age.
Ease of Mind,
October 13, 2005
Angelika Chiquette
My husband is a nurse and I am an accountant. We have
been concerned about my independent 82 year old mother who still lives on her
own. The SENIOR ORGANIZER was the answer to our prayers. These easy to follow
binders helped us organize her medical care as well as knowing where all her financial
information was. By filling out these great binders, we also found out what still
needed to be addressed. Wonderful concept! Every family should get the set.
Great Product !!, October 12, 2005
Oak Park, California
My wife bought this set a while ago. We live in Oak Park,
CA and last month we got evacuated from our house because of the fires. It was
so easy for us to grab our Senior Organizer binders, knowing that we had all our
important documents and records inside, in one place. They make it easy to be
Life-Saving Tool, October 18, 2006
J. Brennan (Washington, D.C.)
The Senior Organizer is an all encompassing A to Z guide of all the information anyone would ever need to collect regarding the ins and outs of any senior's life. Everything is covered. This guide will help you gather life-saving and personal info with regards to your senior. Bravo to the authors for providing us with all the essential questions to ask - I wouldn't have known where to start! I achieved great peace of mind knowing all there is to know about my Mother from her health care needs and her daily life, right the way through to her last wishes. My mother is also comforted by the fact that I know all there is to know about what is going on in her life. Every household needs this incredible book - we owe it to our loved ones.

The Senior Organizer: Personal, Medical, Legal, Financial
Debby S. Bitticks, Lynn Benson, Dorothy K. Breininger
Health Communications, Inc. (2006)
ISBN 9780757304897
Reviewed by Debra Gaynor for Reader Views (3/07)
'The Senior Organizer" is a vault of information
that will help in times of crisis. This book should be completed while "you
are healthy and strong so you can get peace of mind, knowing that you're organized
and equipped to handle all situations." None of us knows what lies ahead.
Accidents and illnesses come when least expected. Once filled out this book will
contain essential information that will assist you or someone you love when need
"This book should be filled out in pencil so that it can be updated as need."
There are two parts to "The Senior Organizer." Part one contains personal
and medical information. There is a place to list prescription, pharmacy, and
herbal medicines. There is a place to record doctor visits. How many times have
you gone to the doctor and they want a medical history? There are specific pages
to keep a record of this. There are pages to record insurance information. We
each have a daily routine but does anyone else know our routine? There is a place
to record your routine.
Part two contains legal and financial information. There are certain pages that
should be kept confidential. Those pages should be removed from the book or copied
before filling them out and copies kept in a secure location.
"This is an all-in-one-source of personal, medical, religious, legal and
financial information that can save you time and money and maybe your life."
"The Senior Organizer"by Debby S. Bitticks, Lynn Benson, and Dorothy
K. Breininger is a must for everyone, not just seniors. I think filling out this
is the most important thing you can do for a loved one. I was impressed that the
authors even included a section for the names, address and phone numbers of friends.
I intend to use this book and to purchase at least three more - one for my husband
and one for each of my parents. I highly recommend this book to everyone; you
never know when the need for this information may arise.

It's 3 AM in the morning. You're in the Emergency Room
of some hospital, and you have a medical crisis on your hands. The admissions
people and the doctors need some vital and official information. Your mind is
in a panic and you struggle to find things for the inquiring people like medical
insurance policy numbers, medical histories, the esoteric names and dosages of
required medications, what was the normal routine of the person, the physicians,
where the medical power of attorney is, etc., but your mind is a blur. What would
be your lifesaver?
It's 2 PM in the afternoon. Your mind is heavy with grief. Your aging parent has
died and you are sitting down with a lawyer and are trying to put together an
accurate picture of your parent's estate, so that the will can be worked out.
All you know is that the financial records and property information of your parent
are probably scattered out in some files in some cardboard boxes somewhere. What
would be your lifesaver?
It's 7 AM in the morning. Last night at the crowded restaurant someone stole your
wallet with all your credit and debit cards and everything else. You want to call
the credit card companies and notify them, but you have nothing written down and
you can't find those old bill stubs that would have all the numbers. Your stomach
is tied in knots. What would be your lifesaver?
There is such a lifesaver available, and every person with some degree of complexity
to their lives should have it, or something like it. One of the very best ones
that I have found is a paperback book titled 'The Senior Organizer- Personal,
Medical, Legal, Financial', by Debby S. Bitticks, Lynn Benson and Dorothy K. Breininger.

At the front of this handy workbook, we're told that The Senior Organizer is 'one-stop shopping for all your vital information. No more digging through files!' There are two parts to this volume - one for personal and medical data, and the other for legal and financial information. Additional forms can be downloaded from the book's website.
Part One begins with pages for emergency contact details, insurance coverage, physicians, medications, medical history, and what to pack in an emergency overnight bag. Personal information includes contacts, memberships, health care providers, hospital stays, what to ask in medical appointments, daily routines, personal grooming, diet & nutrition, home safety, location of key items, pet care, repair and maintenance, religious customs, interests, and key dates.
Part Two has places to note legal and financial consultants, info on a financial power of attorney, family legal documents and any pending issues, bank accounts, credit cards, investments, assets, liabilities, tax information and receipts, property deeds, vehicles, valuables, insurance information, retirement benefits, a living will, and a last will and testament. There's also space for notes at the very back of the workbook.
The authors, self-styled intergenerational organizers, suggest that their workbook 'belongs in the home of every older adult' and that it 'will eliminate hours of searching for important documents'. The Senior Organizer also comes in a Deluxe 3 Volume Binder Set, which includes a CD of all the forms. I plan to use my copy to help my mother organize her affairs and recommend it to anyone in the same situation.
Chicken Soup for the Soul -
Life Lessons for Busy Moms:
"A must-read for every
busy mom wanting down-to-earth advice on the highest acclaimed profession in the
world: Motherhood. "
- Courteney Cox-Arquette
"Life Lessons is an
inspirational guide to help women live their best lives and reclaim their forgotten
dreams and longings. Written with compassion, reassurance and insight, this book
will be an invaluable aid for anyone who wants to create a more balanced, meaningful
and joy-filled life."
- Barbara De Angelis, PhD
Author, 'What Women Want Men to Know'
"... presents practical
strategies for women not only to survive, but also to thrive as mothers. Based
on the experiences of real women, the thirty-two life lessons present practical
ways for any woman who cares for children to develop better relationships, to
organize and prioritize essential tasks, and to find contentment and balance."
- Janet Pregler, MD,
Professor of Clinical Medicine,
David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA
"Life Lessons for Busy
Moms delivers practical wisdom that will empower and inspire. Combining heartfelt
true to life stories with powerful, specific action steps, this book will support
women everywhere in realizing the depth of their worthiness and the importance
of sharing their unique contribution."
- Debby Ford,
#1 New York Times best selling author of
'The Secret of the Shadow' and 'The Right Questions'
"Inspiring ideas and
organizing tips with a dash of humor to help 'juggling' moms stay the pace and
keep their balance."
- JJ Levenstein, MD, FAAP
President of MD Moms (makers of Baby Silk)

Life Lessons for Busy Moms: 7 Essential Ingredients to Organize and Balance Your
World (Chicken Soup for the Soul)
Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hanson, Dorothy K. Brieninger, Debby S. Bitticks,
Lynn Benson
Health Communications, Inc. (2007)
ISBN 9780757305573
Reviewed by Debra Gaynor for Reader Views (3/07)
"Life Lessons for Busy Moms" is divided into
7 chapters. Each chapter is filled with wisdom, humor, advice, quotes, tips and
- "Make Time To Nurture Yourself"
The emphasis of this chapter is taking care of you, creating boundaries, cultivating
your relationship with your husband and creating balance in your life. As a mother
you wear many hats and you need to recognize how important your roles are.
- "Take Charge of Your Parenting Style/Philosophy."
- "Implement Creative Solutions (with an Organized Approach)"
- "Feed Your Soul"
As a mother what do you need? What are your goals? What do you see as your future?
- "Keep an Organized Home."
This is my favorite chapter. Organization! Our lives are less stressful if we
have detailed schedules, systems and a good calendar.
- "Solicit Help."
We all need assistance at sometime or other but many of us refuse to ask for it.
No matter how hard you try you can't be Supermom!
- "Make Time to Slow Down"
When we slow down we come to appreciate "the small things in life" those
little moments that later we wish we hadn't rushed through. We come to cherish
what's happening right now instead of worrying about what might happen, "the
what if's."
I wish I'd had this book years ago when my three children were little. Looking
back on those precious years I wish I'd been more organized, more stress free.
I wish I'd taken more time to enjoy those special moments as they happened rather
than stressing out over unimportant things.
This is a delightful book with sound, sensible advice and suggestions written
in a humorous style. The stories are sure to bring a smile to the faces of mothers
and grandmothers. This book would make a fantastic gift for a new or expectant
mother. I highly recommend "Life Lessons for Busy Moms" to all mothers
and grandmothers. My daughter and daughters-in-law will each be receiving a copy.

May 31, 2007
From the creators of Chicken Soup for the Soul, "Life
Lessons for Busy Moms" is the perfect book for those of us who feel like
there just aren't enough hours in the day to get everything done - and, let's
face it, that's all of us. This book is as comforting and inspirational as any
of the Chicken Soup books, with stories of mothers who, like the rest of us, face
too much stress and sometimes have trouble handling it all. But this book goes
a step further, providing tips, life lessons, questions for reflection, and to-the-point
advice to help mothers balance their lives and remember what's truly important.
With tips to help moms have fun with their kids, remember not to neglect their
own well-being, and, most importantly, save time, this book helps to provide both
organization and sanity. Touted by everyone from real mothers to doctors to Courteney
Cox-Arquette, this is one read that is truly moving, funny, realistic, and necessary,
and it is guaranteed to provide a valuable return on the time you invest in reading

Chicken Soup for the Soul: Life Lessons for Busy Moms
Health Communications, Inc.
ISBN 0-7573-0557-1
Reviewed by Vianna Renaud
The life of a busy mom is one of constant multi-tasking:
working, managing the household, attending to children's daily activities, shopping
for groceries and running errands. With so many things to do while concentrating
on keeping a smile on your face, is it any wonder that many mothers have problems
finding time for themselves? This newest Life Lessons volume aimed specifically
for busy parents will offer plenty of interesting tidbits to keep you entertained
while offering ideas to help you take care of yourself while taking care of your
With sections on making time to nurture yourself, taking charge of your parenting
style and philosophy, how to implement creative solutions with an organized approach,
feeding your soul, keep an organized home, how to solicit help, and how to make
time to slow down, everyone will find something inspiring and insightful to use.
Keeping with the high standard of the previous Life Lessons books, I was thoroughly
entertained with this newest addition. The heart-warming stories and supportive
words were a pleasure to read and I found myself being drawn into the useful ideas
about managing a busy life. Similar to other books in the series, I found the
structure very easy to read and the content logical yet refreshingly educational
in nature. In conclusion, I could see myself buying the book for all my friends
as they try to tackle motherhood and so would highly recommend this for any busy
moms in your life.
Saving Our Parents:

FAIRHOPE, Ala. — When Debby Bitticks brought her aging father to live in the home she shared with her husband, Ken, and their children, she knew very little about the challenges they would face attending to his needs. She also didn’t realize that abusing and preying upon senior citizens had become a common occurrence in this country, so she set out to help change that.
“I got a phone call several years ago that my father was ill, and I became his caregiver,” Bitticks said. “My husband and I were very naive. It was a really good experience.”
It wasn’t long after Rabbi Meier Schimmel moved in that Ken’s father, Raymond Bitticks, lost his wife, and the family hired outside help to care for him in his home. She noted, however, “We began to see changes in my father-in-law. My own father noticed changes. So we hired a private investigator, and learned he was being abused by his caregiver. We found out it’s an epidemic.”
The elder Bitticks, a devout Christian, was then brought home to live with Debby’s family, where both he and Schimmel urged their son and daughter to get involved in educating people about the dangers faced by an aging population.
According to the National Center for Victims of Crime, a senior citizen is abused every 2.7 minutes. For Debby Bitticks, whose father joined the U.S. Army after arriving from Germany, where he had escaped the Holocaust, that was unacceptable.
“These two men begged us to go out and tell people what is going on,” Bitticks said. The couple did so by producing an informative DVD, “Saving Our Parents,” hosted by award-winning actor Ed Asner, with commentary by Art Linkletter, Michael Reagan, Los Angeles Police Chief William Bratton, Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen and a host of others.
Among the topics covered are knowing how to spot crooked conservators, choosing a nurturing nursing home for your aging loved ones, the potential pitfalls of nursing home care, multiple generations living together harmoniously, hired caregiver crimes and how to prevent them, information about the role of a geriatric care manager, signs of abuse, neglect or illness that your parents might not mention and telemarketing and other scams.
Bitticks said, “One of the segments is about nursing homes, and one of the most important things ever is to go in unannounced on a regular basis.”
She noted not all nursing homes are bad, but those that are simply trying to turn an easy profit often reduce labor costs by attending to residents less than they should, including failing to turn them until bedsores have created infections that pass into their bones.
“They die a terrible death,” Bitticks said. “Often when they’re ill, they will not take them to the hospital. Even if you have to pay someone to go in for you, it’s so worth it to check on a loved one.”
Although Debby and Ken were able to care for their parents at home, they hired help to look after them while they worked. Even though under their roof, the couple guarded them ferociously.
“You do not know who you’re letting into your house,” she said. “There are (bad) people that advertise and call looking for work.”
Bitticks continued, saying, “There are well-organized crime groups who do nothing but go after elderly people,” Bitticks said. “They begin treating them like a friend on the phone, and they don’t realize they’re being taken.” Such criminals are often trained to enter the eldercare field and know how to spot dementia.
Others even approach seniors in shopping center parking lots and offer to help load groceries, then follow them home and ease into their lives.
Bitticks advises children of aging parents to watch their incoming and outgoing mail, as well as their caller I.D. in order to prevent scams. She said, “The more we can get the Baby Boomers to be aware of this, the more they can set up a system to remind their parents and grandparents.”
Sid Kirchheimer, an AARP advisor, writes, “People over age 60 make up only one-eighth of the U.S. population, yet they constitute one of every three scam victims.” Telephone ploys, identity theft, get-rich-quick schemes, sweepstakes prizes — today’s hucksters have a wide-ranging repertoire of tricks in their bag.
Asner stated, “Everyone needs to be more aware of elder abuse and take steps to protect themselves and their loved ones. ‘Saving Our Parents’ is a must-see documentary.”
The DVD was produced and directed by Emmy winner Jeff MacIntyre. Its mission is to protect the aging population of the country and help adult children care for their parents. Interviewees tell shocking stories of families deceived by predators and offer lifesaving information from the country’s most trusted experts on the topic.
The DVD available for purchase at www.savingourparents.com for $29.95. A portion of the proceeds go toward Alzheimer’s research and elder abuse prevention.
World Elder Abuse Awareness Day coincided with Father’s Day on Sunday. The advocate couple’s fathers didn’t live to see their dream fully become a reality with the April release of the DVD. Schimmel died in 2005. Bitticks passed away the following year.
"We have to take a deep breath and think about what we want when we’re old," Bitticks said. "Even if you don’t have a great relationship with your parents, look at it as the moral or right thing to do."

A new DVD called “Saving Our Parents” provides important information regarding the pitfalls and predators facing our aging American population and their families. While this presentation is in no way “preachy,” it astutely and fairly addresses the reality that, left unattended by family members and friends, today’s elderly population is ripe for exploitation and victimization by a host of predators.
To get a sense of the magnitude and dollars involved, think about these “Saving Our Parents” concepts and statistics:
- If you’ve taken care of yourself, age 60 is the new 30 while age 90 is the new 60.
- In the next 25 years, the number of Americans 65 and over will double.
- Americans similar in age to Art Linkletter (born 1912) have seen life expectancy jump 30 years.
- By 2030, 71.5 million Americans will be over 65 and represent nearly 20% of the population.
- People over 50 currently control 70% of the nation’s household net worth.
At Estate of Denial (www.EstateofDenial.com) we focus on Involuntary Redistribution of Assets (IRA) cases that revolve around looting assets of the dead and disabled through probate actions and/or instruments such as wills, trusts and guardianships. Our concentration is to address IRA as a property rights issue affecting a cross-section of Americans while recognizing the elder abuse components of the issue. Having said that, “Saving Our Parents” does a great job describing common lead-ups to IRA looting scenarios. The DVD aptly explains that there is no shortage of predators who view the elderly as a license to steal.
Chayo Reyes, an LAPD Specialist in Elder Fraud (ret.), describes today’s older population as “the Greatest Generation - the Greatest Generation to exploit.” This DVD puts forth a message that Americans of all ages need to hear - from detailing how elders can be duped into signing over assets to financial predators disguised as caregivers or even love interests - after all, nothing warms a heart like cold cash in the bank! - to more nefarious “walker stalkers” who may gain control of an elderly person’s life and property by physical/psychological manipulation or even more stringent means such as poison.
We don’t want to give away the entire DVD as we want people to watch it! “Saving Our Parents” does a great job warning of potential nursing home neglect, hoarding disorders and other situations that can occur as an individual ages. The actions offered to hopefully avoid some of these scenarios are sensible as well as practical.
The true strength of this effort, however, lies in its presentation of the predatory dangers that surround America’s aging population. And to add our own editorial note: don’t think that older Americans aren’t quite capable of abusing each other. While it is easy to suppose that asset looting or property poaching is exclusively an action of younger people taking advantage of their elders — think again. “Hell may have no fury as a woman scorned,” but we maintain that a penniless aging woman (or man) can be as dangerous a beast as there is when faced with the prospect of old age and no money.
The “silent epidemic of the 21st century” is becoming a common characterization for elder abuse and it was put well in context with Elder Abuse Attorney Marc Hankin stating his belief that “half of all Americans will have suffered some form of elder abuse before they are dead.” But don’t take our word for any of this. More information on this important DVD is available at www.SavingOurParents.com.
Forewarned is forearmed.
Yet Compassionate, June 27, 2008
Rose Goodwin (Los Angeles)
My sisters, brother and I are all Baby Boomers and found "Saving Our Parents" one of the most useful tools to ensure the safety and happiness of our elderly mother. We were are stunned to see the realities of today's criminals and their ways of harming the elderly to gain money and valuables. We now check in on our parent at least a few times a day to ensure that no strangers are asking for donations or that a service person doesn't not show up to fix something that does not need repair. And in case we are suspicious, we now know clues to look for when something doesn't seem quite "right." Bravo to "Saving Our Parents!"
Timely and Life-Saving!, June 26, 2008
J. Brennan (Washington, D.C.)
Thank goodness someone has produced this timely and incredibly
enlightening documentary. It highlights what I think we all are turning a `blind-eye' to - the exploitation and victimization of our elderly citizens.
I recently learned that one elderly person is victimized every 2.7 minutes!
Very sad and shocking! This DVD teaches us to take an
active role in the lives of our older family members. We are their first
line of defense against scam-artists and crooks who prey on our elderly in their golden years. Our parents protected and watched out for us when we were young and vulnerable, and this documentary teaches us how to return the favor!
Bravo to Bitticks, Breininger, Asner and other celebs. Buy this DVD, you'll be so very glad you did!
Well worth the $29.95, June 18, 2008
Oak Park, CA
This is the best and only documentary I have ever seen that addresses all the problems you might encounter as you begin to care for an aging relative or just to educate yourself. It shares solutions to guard against senior scams and has interviews with actual victims that both touch your heart and inspire. It also has interesting footage of a family who created an intergenerational home as well as other inspirational tips from Ed Asner and the other experts and celebs.
Time Efficiency Makeover:
"She's our life coach.
She is about organizing. She is about an action plansetting up the interval
steps to get where you're going. Setting realistic goals, doing all those things
and she is good at it! "
- Dr. Phil McGraw
The Dr. Phil Show: April 28, 2005
"...encourages you to
focus in on what you really wantand what's preventing you from getting there.
Time Efficiency Makeover provides valuable tools for change that will result in
massive action."
- Anthony Robbins, author of
'Awaken the Giant Within' and 'Unlimited Power'
"I have found that a few hours of Dorothy Breininger's training is saving me hundreds of hours of my own time, while bringing me greatly increased efficiency and peace of mind."
- Dr. Jared Diamond,
UCLA School of Medicine,
Department of Physiology,
author, Pulitzer Prize winner
very helpful,
April 25, 2006
Kenneth Webb (Los Angeles, CA)
I got this for my son, and he found the exercises and
tips to be very useful. There was a noticeable improvement.
Time Efficiency Makeover, November
23, 2005
Rose Goodwin (Los Angeles, CA)
Time Efficiency Makeover is one of the most useful books
I have used to conquer my own procrastination. Once you find the area that you
need to work on, the book gives useful exercises on how to identify the problem
area, then start working on it right away! A very practical book AND would make
a very practical gift.
Press Releases:

Ed Asner Heads “UP” the Charge in Saving Our Parents
World Elder Abuse Day -- June 15, 2009
LOS ANGELES, June 3--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Even though he’s pushing 80, Ed Asner has
been flying high recently, starring as the comical curmudgeon “Carl Fredericksen”
in the Disney/Pixar (NYSE: DIS) animated film “UP.” For his next project, Asner
has his feet planted firmly on the ground in a new direct-to-DVD documentary Saving
Our Parents available now at www.SavingOurParents.com.
Hosted and narrated by Ed Asner, Saving Our Parents is a “must see” to help protect
and educate the public, seniors and their adult children about safe and healthy
aging. This National Mature Media Award-winning film also features information
and insights from radio host/author Michael Reagan (adopted son of late President
Ronald Reagan), LAPD Chief William Bratton, Los Angeles Director of Public Health,
Dr. Jonathan Fielding and other experts.
Based on their own harrowing experience, Executive Producers, Debby & Ken Bitticks,
are out to inspire and empower families to care for their loved ones in their
golden years and have made Saving Our Parents available for families, health care
professionals, caregivers, hospital staff and government agencies worldwide.
Popular intergenerational organizing expert, author Dorothy Breininger, comments,
“one elderly person is victimized every 2.7 minutes,” and recommends Saving Our
Parents to all of her audiences. Featuring real-life events, Saving Our Parents
is a startling demonstration of the potential pitfalls facing today's aging adults.
Bitticks adds, “This is a compelling documentary exposing scams and the devious
crooks that prey on seniors.”
Professionals and experts (including Art Linkletter, Jack Canfield, Mark Victor
Hansen and Michael Reagan) share life-saving knowledge and inspirational insights.
Emmy Award-winning Producer, Jeff MacIntyre, covers compelling topics in Saving
Our Parents and provides tips and solutions throughout.
Clips: www.SavingOurParents.com
With the ever-growing recognition of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day and the solutions
presented in Saving Our Parents, Ed Asner ensures that when it comes to our aging
loved ones, things will be looking “UP.” A portion of the film sale proceeds benefits
the National Committee for the Prevention of Elder Abuse (NCPEA).
Editors: High-res artwork available at: http://delphihealthproducts.com/bb_media.htm#sop
Lobeline Communications
Chris Kingry, 310-271-1551 ext 14
 Celebrities & Experts Join Forces to Help Prevent Elder Abuse by Giving Tips on Finding the Best Elder Care: World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, June 15, 2008
LOS ANGELES, June 12 /PRNewswire/ -- Ed Asner, Art Linkletter, Michael Reagan, LAPD Police Chief William Bratton, L.A. Public Health Director Jonathan Fielding, Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen and a host of others join intergenerational experts Debby Bitticks and Dorothy Breininger of Delphi Health Products, Inc. in a new documentary, "Saving Our Parents" (http://www.savingourparents.com), which was released in April 2008.
Nothing could be more horrifying than learning that one of your parents or grandparents is being victimized by a predatory caregiver, crooked conservator, or neglectful nursing home. When Debby and Ken Bitticks were charged with the responsibility, like many in the "sandwich generation" today, of providing elder care for their parents, they moved both of their aging fathers into their home and hired help to care for them while they worked. Ken soon discovered that the caregiver he had hired to help his dad was abusive, dishonest and had been scamming the elderly for the last few years. They were horrified when they realized that elder abuse is a growing epidemic and were frustrated at how difficult it is to find good elder care. Unfortunately, stories of elder abuse are becoming more and more prevalent across the country, inside and outside of nursing homes.
"People over age 60 make up only one-eighth of the U.S. population, yet they constitute one of every three scam victims," says Sid Kirchheimer, an advisor to AARP. Telephone ploys, identity theft, get-rich-quick schemes, sweepstakes prizes -- today's hucksters have a wide-ranging repertoire of tricks in their bag and seniors are especially vulnerable. Being put in elder care or in a nursing home no longer guarantees a lessening of this trend and can actually increase an unscrupulous person's ability to scam the elderly.
Hosted and narrated by Emmy & Golden Globe winner Ed Asner, and produced and directed by Emmy winner Jeff MacIntyre, the mission of the Saving Our Parents DVD is to protect the aging population of the country and help adult children care for their aging parents as well as find the right type of elder care for their needs. Interviewees tell shocking stories of families deceived by predators who scammed their elderly family members and offer life-saving information from the country's most trusted experts on the intricate world of elder care. Segments include:
- Scamming the elderly: Predatory caregivers and crooked conservators
- Financial scam artists
- Neglectful nursing homes and generations living together
- Dangerous hoarding disorders that pose health risks
- Michael Reagan's transformational experience with his father, former
president Ronald Reagan and Alzheimer's Disease
- Tips from Marc Hankin, Elder Abuse Attorney
- Inspirational tips for safe, healthy aging and finding an elder care
facility that will work for your family.
MATERIAL AVAILABLE: Organizing and safety tips, film clips
and quotes at www.savingourparents.com, articles written, DVD reviews, Q&As, Statistics:
www.census.gov/Press- Release/www/releases/archives/facts_for_features_special_editions/011603.html
DVD available for purchase at www.savingourparents.com for $29.95. A portion of
the proceeds go toward Alzheimer's research, and elder abuse prevention.
Contact: Babs Chandrasoma, PR by the Book,
at 512-289-4339. |
Celebrities Join Forces to Help
Prevent Elder Abuse:
Older Americans Month, May 2008
Elder Abuse Awareness Day, June 15, 2008
(LOS ANGELES) Debby and Ken Bitticks were charged with the responsibility, like many in the “sandwich generation” today, of caring for their parents. Both their aging fathers moved into their home and they hired help to care for them while they worked. Ken’s father needed to be rescued from an abusive and dishonest caregiver. They were horrified when they realized that elder abuse is a growing epidemic. Unfortunately, stories of elder abuse are becoming more and more prevalent across the country.
“People over age 60 make up only one-eighth of the U.S. population, yet they constitute one of every three scam victims,” writes Sid Kirchheimer, an advisor to AARP. Telephone ploys, identity theft, get-rich-quick schemes, sweepstakes prizes—today’s hucksters have a wide-ranging repertoire of tricks in their bag.
Ed Asner, Art Linkletter, Michael Reagan,
LAPD Police Chief William Bratton, L.A.
Public Health Director Jonathan Fielding, Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen and
a host of others join Debby Bitticks and Dorothy Breininger of Delphi Health Products,
Inc. in a new documentary, “Saving Our Parents”, which launches this month, April
Hosted and narrated by Emmy & Golden Globe winner Ed Asner, and produced and directed by Emmy winner Jeff MacIntyre, the DVD’s mission is to protect the aging population of the country and help adult children care for their aging parents. Interviewees tell shocking stories of families deceived by predators and offer life-saving information from the country’s most trusted experts on the topic. Segments include:
- Predatory caregivers and crooked conservators
- Financial scam artists
- Neglectful nursing homes and generations living together
- Hoarding disorders that pose health risks
- Michael Reagan’s transformational experience with his father, former president Ronald Reagan and Alzheimer’s Disease
- Tips from Marc Hankin, Elder Abuse Attorney
- Inspirational tips for safe and healthy aging
AVAILABLE FOR INTERVIEW: All mentioned above, in addition to: Dennis Bogard, retired Chief Inspector Los Angeles Fire Dept., Dr. Sanjaya Saxena, hoarding expert, and Dr. Marion Sommers, gerontologist. Also, profiles of those featured in DVD, including Lloyd, the hoarder, and families who have dealt with elder abuse issues.
OTHER MATERIAL AVAILABLE: Organizing and safety
tips, video and quotes at www.savingourparents.com, articles written, DVD reviews,
DVD available for purchase at www.savingourparents.com for $29.95. A portion of the proceeds go toward Alzheimer’s research, and elder abuse prevention.
Tips to Prevent Elder Abuse:
William Bratton, chief of the Los Angeles Police Department advises people to stay involved with the seniors in their lives and ask specific questions. “Engage them in the details of how they’re feeling,” he says. “Ask, ‘Who did you hear from today?’ and ‘What's going on?’"
Bratton says that crooks often try to elicit credit card or bank information over the phone. So he advises people to be on alert if a caller says, “You must act now or the offer won't be any good,” or claims you've won something but have to pay for postage, handling or other charges. Use these self-defense strategies:
Watch the mail pile: Monitor how many catalogs, sweepstakes mailings, vacation home offers and investment solicitations come in. Be prepared to act if you see that number increasing. (Better yet, get your relative’s name and contact information off of the marketing lists. To learn how, go to dmachoice.org.)
Keep an eye on the Caller ID log: Is there an increase in telephone calls from unfamiliar numbers? As folks age and spend more time alone, they tend to welcome a friendly voice on the phone. Crooks take advantage of that.
Monitor purchases: Is your relative’s home filling up with new purchases, particularly expensive ones? If so, someone could be hitting him with a scam in which he must make purchases for the opportunity to “win big.”
Take stock: Before you bring in any outside caregivers, inventory your loved one’s possessions and financial accounts. You both need to be aware of what valuables are in the house so they don’t disappear. You’ll also need to help your relative keep track of her money.
Be wary of isolation tactics. Forced isolation is typical predatory behavior. Be wary of a caregiver who tries to separate your loved one from the rest of the family, or restrict your contact. If you live far away and telephone conversations with your relative are difficult, consider sending someone you trust to visit regularly and inform you about the situation.
You and your parents should also know:
- It’s illegal for companies to operate contests or sweepstakes that require payment for entry or to claim a prize. In fact, these companies are prohibited from even suggesting that your chances of winning will improve if you buy something.
- It’s illegal for telemarketers to ask for an upfront fee to help a person get a loan, even if they guarantee or strongly imply that the loan will be made.
- There is no reason to give your credit card number, bank account information or Social Security number to a telemarketer, even to claim an actual prize.
The best advice? Take an active role in the lives of your older family members. You are their first line of defense, so visit and stay involved. If predators see that you are present and concerned, they’ll be less likely to strike.
To view clips from the film, visit savingourparents.com.
Contact: Babs Chandrasoma, PR by the Book,
at 512-289-4339. |
Black History Month and Your Health
"I urge you to pursue preserving your personal history
to allow your children and grandchildren to know who you were as a child and what
your hopes and dreams were."
- Oprah Winfrey, January 2003
BioBinder Cherished
Memories-The Story of My Life is a fun and easy way to chronicle your life
story and stories of your loved ones while celebrating Black History Month. Documenting
your roots can create a family legacy and including your health history can save
a life.
Acting Surgeon General Kenneth Moritsugu says,
"Many diseases, such as cancer, diabetes and heart disease, can run in families
- knowing your family health history can save your life, as well as the lives
of those you love."
Tigerlily Foundation Founder (www.tigerlilyfoundation.org)
Maimah Karmo says, "Not until I was diagnosed with breast cancer did I fully
understand the true importance of documenting one's health history. After my diagnosis,
I researched my family's health history and found no evidence of a family disposition
towards breast cancer; however, I wondered whether that lack of knowledge was
due to lack of documentation or was it in fact true that there was no family history.
I also wondered how many women had lost their lives to this disease and others
because of lack of health history documentation.
Today, as a breast cancer survivor and health advocate, who is the mother of a
young daughter, I see tremendous value in creating a legacy of good health...and
that starts with encouraging the recording of genetic/hereditary predispositions
towards certain illnesses and diseases. We can benefit future generations by empowering
them to be their best health advocate and equipping them with knowledge that can
prolong and save lives".
Debby Bitticks, CEO of Delphi Health Products,
Inc. says, "Getting my father's life story before he died has left me and
four generations one of the greatest treasures we have, and getting our family's
health history during the interview saved my sister's life."
Selma Schimmel, Founder and CEO of Vital Options International, (www.vitaloptions.org)
and host of The Group Room® Cancer Talk Radio Show, says "Research shows
that young black women with breast cancer may be likely carriers of the BRCA1
mutation, another reason why it is so important to know one's family medical history."
Leo LaGasse M.D., President and Co-founder, Medicine For Humanity and Professor
Emeritus, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, The David Geffen School of
Medicine at UCLA (www.medicineforhumanity.com) says, "Improving the health of
women advances the welfare of children, the family, the community and the nation."
LaGasse has helped to document health histories and life stories from villagers
in Africa using BioBinder™ Cherished Memories-The Story
of My Life.
Dorothy Breininger, Founder and CEO of Delphi Center for Organization, says, "BioBinder™
Cherished Memories-The Story of My Life can easily store your whole family's
health histories. And writing my mother's life story along with organizing her
photographs was so much fun!"
Delphi Health Products, Inc. has made it easy to capture
your life stories in a beautiful binder/album that includes an interview which
guides you through the stages of life, a family tree, an ethical will, and a health
history together with photograph and memorabilia storage.
When you purchase a BioBinder™
Cherished Memories-The Story of My Life album, Delphi Health Products, Inc.
will donate a portion of the sale proceeds to the non-profit organization selected
from the drop down menu on their web site.
Visit www.delphihealthproducts.com to view informational
videos and free downloads or call
1-800-791-8071 for more information.
Contact: Babs Chandrasoma, PR by the Book,
at 512-289-4339. |
Giving Thanks for Health and Family:
Surgeon General asks us to give our families the ultimate
gift - A health history that can help save lives
LOS ANGELES, Nov. 5 /PRNewswire/ -- The holidays are a
time to celebrate family, and what better way to celebrate than by sharing our
joys and proudest life memories, wisdom and knowledge. As Thanksgiving approaches
and we observe the fourth National Family Health History Day, acting Surgeon General
Kenneth Moritsugu says, "Knowing your family health history can save your life,
as well as the lives of those you love." While gathered around your family on
this dual holiday, take the opportunity to equip yourself with your family's health
"Most of us carry our own health histories around in our head," says Debby Bitticks,
CEO of Delphi Health Products, Inc. "We just don't talk enough about health histories
when sharing that information could help save the life of another family member."
Health history is not just a concern for the seniors in your family; it is knowledge
that is a necessity for all members of the family.
The team of inter-generational experts at Delphi Health Products, Inc. hopes to
support the U.S. Surgeon General's Family History Initiative by inspiring families
to take this holiday to preserve their part for future generations, organize their
present around their life values and prepare for a safe and healthy future.
Cherished Memories -- The Story of My Life and Senior Organizer are simple, yet
effective organizing tools that provide safe, portable, easy-to-access storage
for treasured pictures and personal memorabilia, or important legal, medical and
financial information. Both products include a detailed health history: Cherished
Memories with over 200 thought-provoking questions that help the user write the
stories and memories of their own or a loved one's life, while Senior Organizer
neatly stores essential information providing peace-of-mind for the owner and
their family to balance and handle day-to-day living or an emergency.
You can visit http://www.delphihealthproducts.com to download free tips and view
informational videos about Cherished Memories and Senior Organizer, co-created
by Debby Bitticks, Lynn Benson, MSW President of Delphi Health Products, Inc.
and Dorothy Breininger, CEO of the Delphi Center for Organization. Bitticks and
Breininger have appeared on the Dr. Phil Show and will host two PBS shows "Our
Treasured Memories" and "Our Life's Essential Information" to appear in March
For more information, contact:
Babs Chandrasoma, PR by the Book, at 512-289-4339. |
